Thursday, November 3, 2011

What to Do While Mom Plays!

Nov 3: Well Mom is working up in her Studio this morning. She is trying to finish up the pages for the Recipe Swap she is doing with her friend Gail and other Scrapy Land Divas. I’m sure she will share a picture when she is done.

While Mom is upstairs, I am always on alert downstairs. Mom counts on me to protect her and the house.


I guess I had better get back to work!

Take care

I Made This at Lifestyle Crafts Contest

Nov 3: How exciting, Lifestyle Crafts is holding a terrific contest on their Blog.

You can win the grand prize giveaway, which includes:

  • $1000 Lifestyle Crafts shopping spree
  • Canon 60D camera
  • Mac computer
  • Canon Photo Printer
  • Craft Room Furniture


You can find out more information by going to this post on their Blog. This week if you create an account you can win the following:


An amazing camera and one cute camera bag (in the favorite color at Lifestyle Crafts!) with a value over $1300!

Mom is keeping fingers and toes crossed!

Take care

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ribbon, Ribbon Everywhere

Nov 2: Mom loves to use ribbon on her projects but I noticed when she shows her projects to Pat that she hasn’t been using much ribbon. Sunday I figured out why, Mom brought down a bag that was full and when I poked my nose in the bag there was a lot of Mom’s ribbon. There was a bag with little bits of ribbon poking out of it, lots of spools and then there was a large amount just loose in the bag.


No wonder Mom wasn’t using ribbon very much, she probably couldn’t find what she wanted.

So yesterday Mom and I stayed home and while I napped on my bed, Mom worked on winding her ribbon on funny looking cards that she got from here. 


Look how pretty they look now! All the colors of different widths are stored together. I think Mom will be using her ribbons a lot more again.


Mom got this IRIS box when she and I were out over the weekend. She bought it at Michaels Craft Store.

Take care

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Fall Frenzy Videos

Oct 31: Mom had a terrific time last week following along with Susan and all the Scrapy Land Divas on the Message Board. The divas displayed their projects for the challenges and the make and takes in a Fall frenzy section of the Message Board.

Susan recorded some terrific videos and Mom thought you might want to check them out.

Take care