Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Van has a Boo-Boo

April 15, 2014 – Only Mom can be hit by a car with NO driver! Yes you read right Pat and Mom were in an accident and the other car had no driver in it.

Here is the story Mom told me: She and Pat had a great Sunday afternoon at Thimble Pleasures quilt shop. They were taking a Software Mastery course and were heading home and decided to stop at McDonald’s to get a drink for the ride home. As they were about to pull into the lot, Mom stopped as a car appeared to be backing out of a parking spot. But the car kept coming and speeding up (there is a small decline to the road). Mom blew here horn but it kept coming and she couldn’t get out of the way and it crashed into the front end on the passenger side.



Pat got out of our car after Mom said, ‘I don’t think there is a driver in that car’.  Also they had a driver speed away on them once before, so she wanted to make sure that didn’t happen again. Sure enough there was NO driver in the car. There was a male adult in the passenger seat that seemed okay but Pat thought was Autistic or of diminished capacity. The driver came out of McDonald’s and was 7 months pregnant. Mom and Pat felt bad for her.

Unfortunately,Mom got jostled around enough to cause back pain and that got her a ride in an ambulance in a collar and on a back board (I don’t know what that means). After several hours and a set of x-rays they showed Mom had no new damage, but had muscles involved that were in spasm.

The next day found both Pat and Mom very sore and being seen by their family doctor. It was really the first time Mom got a chance to see the damage to the front end of the van. I got to see and sniff the van when Mom let me out in the garage.


It is off to the collision repair shop this morning. It will be interesting to see what car we get as a rental. But I’m sure that I won’t get to go for a ride in the rental car.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Cozy Towel

April 8,2014 – Molly and I had to stay home this morning while Mom went into Chapel Hill to get some fabric to use on a project. She wanted to finish her cute Bunny Towel.  She needed pink fabric for the applique portion of the mouth and nose.

Pat couldn’t believe that Mom didn’t have a pink in all the fabric she had in her stash. Oh well!

Once Mom had the fabric it didn’t take long to embroider the bunny design on the hand towel portion.

Here is the finished product. Well almost finished. Mom has to stop at the store and get a face cloth to use for the ears.


You can see some fabric on the back of the chair. Those will be a skirt and a dress for a special little girl.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Look What Mom’s Been Doing

February 4/14 – It is a rainy cold day here in NC! Mom stayed home with Molly and I today, that always makes me happy. I got to lay in front of the fireplace with a cozy warm fire burning! Mom seemed to be to busy in the sewing room to enjoy the fire, oh well!

After a little while Mom emerged from the sewing room and showed me the cutest bunny that she made as part of the Giving Bunny Project. The folks at Urban Threads supplied a free file that can be done in either a 4x4 or 5x7 hoop. The folks that don’t have an embroidery machine aren’t left out, there are instructions for those folks as well. Meet Samantha.


Isn’t she cute, Because it is cold outside, she made her a scarf to keep her warm are her journey. Mom hasn’t said where she will leave Samantha. Keep an eye out for her. Check out the Giving Bunny blog to see where other bunnies have been found.

That wasn’t all she worked on this morning. She was inspired by post on one of her Facebook Groups that she made this cute flower treat holder. This is a free applique flower that is from Five Star Fonts. Mom adjusted it to have a clear vinyl center so you can see the treats inside and the back is 2 folded over pieces of fabric that will allow this holder to be used over again.


Now she has to go to the store and get some treats to put in it. Hoping she doesn’t put doggie treats in it as it looks a little hard for Molly and I to get treats out of.

Well, I’m back to having another nap in front of the fireplace.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sad News

January 16, 2014 - Pat and I have just returned from Ontario Canada. Last week I received some expected news. Rosemary, my Cuz, had a stroke. If anyone would have the strength and determination to make it back after a stroke it would be Rose. But then heart-breaking news came, the doctors say she will not recover from this.

Rosemary passed away on Saturday morning with her husband, son and daughter-in-law by her side. I was devastated by this news. Rosemary has been my rock through the good and bad times in my life. She will be missed by all who knew her.

This was a photo we had done many, many moons ago.


Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yeah! Pat is Home.

January 9, 2014 – Mom picked Pat up at the airport the other night. She said she had a wonderful time visiting family in Sweden. Molly and I didn’t see her until yesterday when she surprised us by coming to the Spa to pick us up. I should have known that something was up because Molly and I had a bath. My tail wagged so fast when I saw her. Pat worked from home, so we got to share her lap throughout the day.

Mom was out to an embroidery class. Not sure what that is, but I think it has something to do with the big noisy machine in one of our bedrooms.

So happy is it getting warmer – it was 22 degrees this morning. Down right balmy compared to the other day when it was 7!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Baby It’s Cold Outside!

January 7, 2014 – Molly and I are at the Spa and we woke  up this morning to the thermometer saying it was 7 degrees and I heard Jennifer (the nice lady who owes the spa) say the weatherman said the wind-chill is making it feel like –10 or so. Mom has been talking about how our friends to the north and west have it much worse, but this is really cold for NC.  At least it is a beautiful sunny day, but I think Molly and I will be staying inside today.

Mom told me that Pat arrives home this afternoon and will be a balmy 18 degrees. Mom will definitely have the seat warmers on for sure. Molly and I are looking forward to seeing her.

Stay safe and warm out there.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pat is Coming Home tomorrow!

January 6, 2014 – Mom says that Pat is coming home tomorrow night, so Molly and I have to go to the Spa to get all pretty. I think the plan is for us to stay overnight. Mom has some errands to do today. Hope she stops at Phydeaux in Chapel Hill to buy us some goodies.

Stay warm out there!

Friday, January 3, 2014

52 Week Challenge

January 3, 2014 – Happy New Year!

Mid December Mom came across this on Facebook and she is going to set up a jar and put money in it weekly.

Apparently, every week you put the the dollar amount of the week it is in the year. You save $1, week two you save $2, and so on.  By the end of your 52 weeks you will have saved $1,378.00.

52 Week Money Challenge Chart

So all you need to do is start a jar and one dollar....Are you game for the 52 Week Money Challenge?  What will you use your money for? I am voting for more chew sticks or cookies (for me – none for Molly!)

Happy saving!