Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Stickle Holder

Sept 21: Mom’s up in her studio today. She was telling me that when she was visiting her friend Marnie in Vancouver, BC her wonderful sweet husband Art made Mom some Stickle holders! After some discussion, he cut some PVC pipe, drilled holes in them to allow the Stickles to sit upside down. (Mom tells me that this a good thing as when using them – you get  no air bubbles!)

Mom brought the pipes home in her suitcase (along with surprises for Pat and scrapbook stuff - nothing for me). I’m sure they caused some concerned when they saw them on the x-ray! Mom and Pat went to Lowes (I had to stay home – it was too hot out) the man told them to  rough them up, glue them together (with some really stinky glue!) and then spray paint them. Pat and Mom picked out a wonderful light green.

Here is the end result


They store really nicely in one of the IRIS storage containers. Mom can store 56 Stickles and she is really pleased with them! Thanks Art for doing this for my Mom.

Take Care

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